The Writer

To The Crow's doves

Mildred has always been the odd one out–even compared to her twin brother Louis, which is saying something. After a memorable encounter on the bus things start to change as the twins try to break a curse and begin to uncover long forgotten family secrets in the process.

Everything About race

There's a good chance you’re prejudice, at least culturally ignorant, maybe even a little racist — and so am I. We're the product of millions of years of in-group biases, automatic thought processes, and an intellect that's led to endless moral ambiguity and challenges. You’re prewired to prefer people who look like you (in-group bias), automatically associate things/people to stereotypes (automatic thought processes), and subconsciously internalize beliefs after repeated exposure.

So yes, we’re prejudice, but it doesn’t make us evil. We aren't perfect, but the key is to be aware of these biases so we can prevent them from controlling how we treat others. From race, to politics, to religion, and everything in between, only then will we be able to truly make America the “melting pot” we claim it is. So let’s look at bias, laugh a little, think, maybe even cry. And most importantly, let’s talk.