Everything About Race (E.A.R.)



(10) Colorism: The Power of Mirrors

Colorism is the prejudice toward/discrimination against individuals based on skin tone, often, but not always, resulting in a preference for those with lighter skin at the expense of those whose skin is darker. Despite being relevant to various races including Blacks, Northeast and Southeast Asians, Native Americans, and Hispanics, it can be difficult to confront because it forces us minorities to reevaluate how we think about racial bias. It means minorities must realize the role we can play in perpetuating the same discriminatory ideals and values that others can direct at us. I will make more comics to address this issue, but this essay will discuss colorism in the Black community...


(9) The N-Word: N-Nicest Friends

(8) American Enough, Juan's Job

(7) American Enough, With Jaywalking as an Allegory

(6) American Civilization: Norma Admires Trees

(5) Generalizations and Assumed Sameness: All Mexican

(4) Generalizations and Assumed Sameness: Sweet 20

(3) American Heritage: The Actual Captain America

(2) Stereotypes: Spice Girls and Hot Sauce

(1) Americanization: Why My Name is Amy